OIL SECURITY AND THE US MILITARY COMMITMENT TO THE PERSIAN GULF. 11/18, 9:00am-2:30pm. Sponsor: Institute for Security and Conflict Studies, George Washington University. Speakers: Salim Yaqub, University of California-Santa Barbara; Thomas Lippman, Middle East Institute; Joshua Rovner, Southern Methodist University; Rosemary Kelanic, Elliot School, GW; Eugene Gholz, University of Texas; Kenneth Vincent, GWU; Charles Glaser, Elliot School; Daniel Byman, Georgetown University; Caitlin Talmadge, Elliot School, GW.
A PATH FOR DURABLE DEFENSE REFORM. 11/18, 11:00am-Noon. Sponsor: CSIS. Speakers: William Thornberry, R-TX; John Hamre, CEO and President, CSIS.
INTERNATIONAL TRAFFIC IN ARMS REGULATIONS: WHAT IT MEANS TO THE SPACE AND SATELLITE INDUSTRY. 11/18, 11:30-1:45pm. Sponsor: Washington Space Business Roundtable. Speakers: Kevin Wolf, Assistant Commerce Secretary for Export Administration; James Stearns, Regional Trade Compliance Counsel for Americans, Accenture; Corinne Kaplan, Vice President of Affiliate Trade Compliance, EADS North America.
SISTER DON'T SLEEP: VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN. 11/18, 12:30-1:45pm. Sponsors: World Bank Gender & Development, Embassy of Italy. Speakers: Author Serena Dandini, Italian TV Host; Mary Ellsberg, Director, Global Women's Institute; Piero Cipollone, Executive Director for Italy, Portugal, Greece, Albania, Malta, San Marino & Timor-Leste, World Bank Group.
CITIES AND ENVIRONMENTAL SECURITY: ECOLOGY AND CONFLICT ON AN URBANIZING PLANET. 11/18, 2:00-3:30pm. Sponsors: Atlantic Council; Stimson Center. Speakers: Malia Du Mont, Strategist, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy; Peter Engelke, Senior Fellow, Strategic Foresight Initiative, Atlantic Council; Caitlin Francis, Sustainability and Urban Planner, Urban Programs Group, CH2M HILL; David Michael, Director, Environmental Security Program, Stimson.
DRIVING GOVERNMENT INNOVATION: LEVERAGING TECHNOLOGY TO CHANGE THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. 11/18, 2:30-4:00pm. Sponsor: Software and Information Industry Association (SIIA). Speakers: Darrell Issa, R-CA, Chairman, House Oversight and Government Reform Chairman; Doug Bourgeois, Vice President of Services and Solutions, VMware; Mark Forman, Founder Government Transaction Services; John Landwehr, Vice President for Digital Government Solutions, Adobe; Dan Chenok, Executive Director, IBM Center for the Business of Government.
GLOBAL CORRUPTION REPORT: EDUCATION. 11/18, 3:00-4:00pm. Sponsor: InfoShop, World Bank. Speakers: Sanjay Pradhan, Vice President, Change, Knowledge and Learning, World Bank; Gareth Sweeney, Chief Editor, Global Corruption Report, Transparency International; Harry Patrinos, Education Manager, World Bank; Lubov Fajfer, Education and Youth Advisor, US Agency for International Development.
NEXT STEPS FOR THE US-JAPAN ALLIANCE. 11/18, 3:00-4:30pm. Sponsor: Carnegie. Speakers: Yuichi Hosoya, Professor of Law, Keio University; Matake Kamiya, Professor of International Relations, National Defense Academy Japan; Hisayoshi Ina, Foreign Policy Columnist, Nihon Keizai Shimbun; Keiko Iizuka, Senior Political Writer, Yomirui Shimbun; Yoichi Kato, National Security Correspondent, Asahi Shimbun; James Przystup, Senior Research Fellow, National Defense University.
DEBATING SOCIAL ISSUES AND CIVIL SOCIETY IN KAZAKHSTAN. 11/18, 4:30-6:00pm. Sponsor: Central Asia Program, Elliot School, George Washington University. Speakers: Marlene Laruelle, GWU; Margarita Assenova, Jamestown Foundation; Anara Ibraeva, Kazakhstan International Bureau for human Rights and Rule of Law.
GEORGE WASHINGTON'S SECRET SIX: THE SPY RING THAT SAVED THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 11/18, 6:00-8:00pm. Sponsor: Heritage Foundation. Speaker: Author Brian Kilmeade, Co-Host, Fox &Friends, Fox News Channel; Mike Gonzalez, Vice President, Communications, Heritage.
DATA + FOREIGN POLICY. 11/18, 6:30pm. Sponsor: Young Professionals in Foreign policy (YPFP). Speaker: Michael Leiter, Senior Counsel to CEO, Palantir Technologies.
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