A NEW LOOK AT AMERICAN FOREIGN POLICY. 10/7, Noon-1:00pm. Sponsor: Heritage. Speakers: Kim R. Holmes, Ph.D., Distinguished Fellow, Heritage; Randy E. Barnett, Carmack Waterhouse Professor, Legal Theory, Georgetown University Law Center; Marion Smith, Visiting Fellow, B. Kenneth Simon Center for Principles and Politics, Heritage.
THE BEAUTIFUL TREE: A PERSONAL JOURNEY INTO HOW THE WORLD'S POOREST PEOPLE ARE EDUCATING THEMSELVES. 10/7, Noon-1:30pm. Sponsor: CATO. Speaker: Author James Tooley, Associate Director, Center for Educational Freedom, Cato Institute.
LOCAL CONTENT REQUIREMENTS: A GLOBAL PROBLEM. 10/7, 12:30-2:00pm. Sponsor: Peterson Institute for International Economics (PIIE). Speakers: Gary Hufbauer, Senior Fellow, PIIE; Jeffrey Schott, Senior Fellow, PIIE.
DOMESTIC BARRIERS TO DISMANTLING THE MILITANT INFRASTRUCTURE IN PAKISTAN. 10/7, 2:00-3:30pm. Sponsor: US Institute of Peace (USIP). Speakers: Thomas Lynch, Research Fellow, National Defense University; Daniel Markey, Senior Fellow for India, Pakistan and South Asia, Council on Foreign Relations; Stephen Tankel, Assistant Professor, American University.
STUDYING CENTRAL ASIA: LOOKING AT THE MERITS OF EAVESDROPPING. 10/7, 4:00- 6:30pm. Sponsor: GWU. Speaker: Svetlana Jacquesson, Director, Central Asia Studies Institute, American University of Central Asia.
WHO SHAPES SPACE POLICY: MILLIONAIRES OR STATESMEN. 10/7, 6:30-8:30pm. Sponsor: Association Nationale des Auditeurs jeunes de l’Institut de Hautes Etudes de Defense Nationale (ANAJ-IHEDN). Speakers: Frank A. Rose, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Space and Defense Policy, Bureau of Arms Control Verification and Compliance, U.S. Department of State. Clay Mowry, President, Arianespace, Inc.; Scott Pace, Director, George Washington Space Policy Institute, Former Associate Administrator, NASA; A.C. Charania, Business Development Manager, Virgin Galactic.
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